Saturday, October 20, 2012

How to Build a Successful Team

"A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable." (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993) The following characteristics show how to build a successful team.

1.     Select a team with diverse knowledge and skills. A team is made up of members who differ in gender, age, talent, strengths, culture and experience will often produce more creative solutions.
2.     Establish a purpose. Each member in a team knows what is expected and understands the significance of their performance directly affecting the company’s mission.
3.     Determine the individual roles, functions, and responsibility. Members are no longer individuals, each team members should realize how important it is in relation to the overall team goal.
4.     Good communication. Team members are willing to exchange feelings, thoughts, and ideas. What’s more, team members should listen to other member’s thoughts and respect their ideas.
5.     View disagreement as a positive. When a conflicting option is voiced, team members should carefully analyze disagreement with knowledge instead of saying no.
6.     Shared leadership. Effective team often has no normal leader.  Each team member has an opportunity to take leadership positions in their areas of expertise.


  1. Good summaries and explanations to characteristics in detail

  2. A coin has two sides. What happen if group members cannot meet in one area only just communicating through online. Is that possible still to have same goal?

    1. In synchronous communication such as Msn and Skype, all participants can work together online at the same time. They still can achieve the same goal as long as they have well communication. That’s why many companies prefer employees working online with other colleagues, and client from different regions. In which people also save a lot of time.
      Is good having conflict in the team? What is the best way to deal with conflict in a team?

  3. Yes, it is possible to have the same goals and to converse with your fellow teammates, employees, peers, etc. Working online is not only accessible, but also easy for a group of people with busy lives to communicate and obtain their goals. There are multiple ways on how people can communicate all together such as social networks, Skype, group chats, and group email. Know being busy is no longer an excuse; people are able to be anywhere and be apart of their group conversation.

  4. No team can be successful without having a purpose. An organization can hire the best of the best but could still fail without establishing a purpose. A purpose can clearly outline the goals of the company and that can help break down the tasks within a team.
